Aboard Endeavour in the stunning video below are the 16 experiments of the Center’s Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP). The video offers a dramatic new perspective of this keystone U.S. National STEM education initiative that is engaging tens of thousands of grade 5-12 students in real science on orbit—their science.

Imagine watching this video, as a member of a 5th grade student team with your science experiment aboard Endeavour, that you designed, and it’s in orbit … right there! If that doesn’t inspire America’s next generation of scientists and engineers, and teachers of science across the nation, well, we’re not sure what will.

So how about … YOUR community coming aboard SSEP (yes YOU reading this). Normal program operations on the International Space Station (the big thing dwarfing the Shuttle in the video below) begin in Fall 2011.

Want to know more? SSEP was recently showcased at NASA.gov, and at the NASA International Space Station Research News webpage (that’s *RESEARCH* News). Remember that these students, maybe students in your community, are working as true scientists doing real research. You can read about what SSEP means to the students, teachers, and families in the 27 communities currently participating in the program. You might also want to watch a video clip describing the program, and download a 2-page program overview as a PDF.

If you would like your community—up to 3,200 grade 5-12 students, and students in 2-year and 4-year colleges—to come aboard the International Space Station for a a true adventure in science on the high frontier, well we just dare you to Contact Us.


Uploaded to YouTube by NASA Television

Newly released video shows the International Space Station together with the space shuttle, the vehicle that helped build the complex over the last decade. The video was shot by European Space Agency astronaut Paolo Nespoli from the Russian Soyuz spacecraft that undocked from the station on May 23. He, Russian cosmonaut Dmitry Kondratyev and NASA astronaut Cady Coleman were departing the station for a return to Earth after five months on the station. Nespoli documented the station from a distance of 600 feet as it was rotated 130 degrees.

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